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Why Teach Assist?

Whenever you mention that you are teacher to a non-teacher they instantly reply with, "Wow, you must have a lot of patience!" Teach Assist can support teachers in many ways by increasing the longevity of teaching careers and provide the education students deserve. Teach Assist is the support teachers need to provide appealing and engaging individualized educational opportunities for the learners of the 21st century.


Artificial intelligence is the expanding sector of technology and is assisting in many fields other than just education; farming, retail, personal life, and more. As it is developing it is the solution education needs to decrease teacher burnout rate, increase student achievement, and make the profession and learning experience more enjoyable.


Check out my "About the Author" section for a personalized rationale to Teach Assist.

A recent study was conducted and it was concluded that the average teacher spends 22 hours teaching, 10 hours planning, 6 hours grading, 7 hours in meetings, 2 hours conferencing with students, 1 hour talking with parents, 5 hours reading, 5 hours writing (blogs, etc...), and 4 hours connecting online (Juliani, 2015). Using Teach Assist would decrease many of these time consuming administration tasks and allow teachers to spend more time and energy teaching content. 

Teach Assist is the solution for...

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Inadequate Preparation

Schools have made a shift from textbook resources to online resources, but schools provide little funding for online resources. Curriculum is changing, class sizes increasing, and this becomes arduous and teachers are not composted for this (National Education Association, 2018). Teach Assist suggests and create resources that are suitable for your class's needs.

Diversity Grows, Adult Support Decreases

The diverse needs in classes increases every year, however the lack of support is consistent, so something needs to change. Teach Assist can alleviate the stress of searching for resources and find the perfect resources for you based on your preferences. Teachers strive to reach all learners in the classroom by providing differentiated lessons and adaptations, however this is very time consuming when you are trying to teach 20 - 30 students everyday. Additionally, Hymel and Katz (2019) state, "Schools in North America today are responsible for the education of increasingly diverse student populations, owing in part to legislation and policy aimed at making education accessible to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental (dis)ability."

Work, Life Balance

Teach Assist can provide the time needed to go back to school to get additional education so that the pay matches their credentials. According to the National Education Association (2018), "teachers’ economic position has worsened over time. Inflation has eroded most of teachers’ salary increases: Over the past decade, the average classroom teacher salary has increased 15.2% but after adjusting for inflation, the average salary has actually decreased by $1,823 or 3.0%."

Career Alternatives 

Teachers seek better career opportunities. What makes a better opportunity? More pay, more manageable work load, less stress jobs, leaving work at work. Teachers earn 19% less than similarly skilled and educated professionals (National Education Association, 2018).

Looking at the graph below, "Teacher Burnout" 41.3% of teachers burn out in the first 5 years. Imagine if teachers didn't feel overworked and had a more manageable workload? Teach Assist is the answer!

Teach Assist would make work/life balance more manageable by saving you time in varying ways. 

Teacher Burnout Rate

Teachers are kindhearted people who go into the profession wanting to influence students to make the world a better place. It isn't a surprise that teaching is a stressful job. As the population grows so does the demand for teachers. The physically and emotionally demanding job of teaching results in teachers resigning from the job because it just isn't feasible to keep the work life balance. “Teaching is a profession with many job-related stressors, often on a daily basis. This stress load can result in frequent job changes, higher rates of unhappiness, and even earlier retirement” (Ptáček, R et al. 2019, p. 4975).

As you can see in the graph below, over 40% of teachers burnout after 5 years of teaching. It goes without saying, nothing beats an experienced teacher that knows the curriculum, behaviour management strategies, interaction with parents, report cards, and how to manage that all and have fun! Teach Assist can provide the assistance educators need to be satisfied in the workforce. 

Teacher Burnout Rate

Reason for Burnout

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I conducted some of my own research to see what local and like-minded teachers struggle with the most teaching and what could make their careers more enjoyable...

What would make your teaching career more manageable?
"Aside from way more competent adult help? Have technology search to find the resources I can't recall if I have or not ("search drive for fraction units", "search Canadian Government"). If I do not have them, then I could request they search for new resources on the internet and get notified when a resource is found and I could like or dislike them, and then verbally command where to save it" Ms. Lister - Grade 4/5 Teacher, Victoria BC
"More resources that have everything you need to teach the concept. For example, if you're working on a math unit of area and perimeter, have an app that could find you the total package deal...worksheets, manipulative, projects, extensions)" Ms. Achtem - Teacher, Victoria BC
What is the most time-consuming part of teaching?
"Coming up with exciting and a variety of ways to teach content" Ms. Achtem
"Probably finding decent resources to support the idea for a unit/lesson in your head. I spend a lot of time searching. Also, making your own slides and changing the date, adding and deleting valuable slides." Ms. Lister
If you had an artificial intelligent personal assistant, what would you want it to do?
"Control the systems (dim lights, air temperature, music, diffuser), make a to-do-list based on listening to my comments, send simple emails about reminders ("Swimming Tomorrow - pack a,b,c), leave anecdotal comments on FreshGrade based on listening to my comments given to student, have someone search for effective, valuable, best-rated resources, help keep track of documents, permission slips, attendance, and set reminders." Ms. Lister
"Photocopy, create lessons, worksheets, projects, assist with report card writing, keep an ongoing assessment for each student in your class, reply to emails, keep your schedule up to date, help with the little things." Ms. Achtem

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