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Research that Supports Augmented Reality Use in the Classroom!



AR in education research is growing quickly (Akçayır, 2017). A 2017 review of literature between 2007 and 2015 shows that 51% of articles focused on AR applications for K-12 students (Akçayır, 2017). A newer review in 2018 looked at literature between 2012 and 2017 showed that 40% of articles examined Achievement as a variable, followed by attitude at 19% and motivation at 9% (Fidan, 2018). A breakdown by country revealed that Taiwan had the most published research on using AR in class (Fidan, 2018). The same study also showed that around 50% of papers applied AR for science lessons, followed by language at 15%.  


(Akçayır, 2017)


(Fidan, 2018)


(Fidan, 2018)

Below are examples where augmented reality has helped support and improve student learning at different grade levels. 

Elementary - Science

Students who were learning through a flipped classroom approach combined with AR learned course content and completed tasks more effectively than their peers who learned through the conventional flipped classroom approach. The learning model supported by AR had better performance results because the students were able to apply their knowledge through real-world learning activities and environments. (Chang & Hwang, 2018)

elementary school ar learning.jpg

(Chang & Hwang, 2018)

Middle School – Science

Students who were part of the experimental group that learned Science through an AR activity booklet had higher levels of academic achievement and positive attitudes towards the course than the control group who learned through using a textbook. This was especially evident when studying abstract concepts such as the solar system. (Sahin & Yilmaz, 2020)

solar systems middle school.jpg

(Sahin & Yilmaz, 2020)

Secondary – Reading

Students in the experimental group who used AR to interact with their reading materials through images and videos on an interactive board found the material to be more engaging and interesting. This led to better reading comprehension scores and retention of ideas compared to the students in the control group who read without AR. (Bursali & Yilmaz, 2019)

advantages of ar technology according to

(Bursali & Yilmaz, 2019)

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