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Tell us what you Already Know About AR!
What is AR?
So you might be asking yourself, what does AR mean? AR stands for Augmented Reality. Well now that you know what AR stands for, you are probably asking, well what does that mean? This week we are going to show you. First take a look at this video that might help you to understand.
"Augmented reality is going to change the way we use technology forever. We’re already seeing things that will transform the way you work, play, connect and learn.” —Tim Cook (CEO of Apple)
Augmented Reality is technology that is placed on top of virtual reality allowing viewers not only to be transported to anywhere but have interactive components as well as intangible objects inserted into the location one visits. So one can say AR is simply an overlay of images and text onto a virtual reality. The big hit a few years back was the game on your phone, Pokemon Go! Today we have apps that go far beyond Pokemon. AR is new technology that is continuing to be developed into applications that are used as games and educational tools. "Augmented reality is the result of using technology to superimpose information — sounds, images and text — on the world we see." (Emspak, 2018).
What is the Difference Between AR and VR?
So what is the big difference between AR and VR anyway? Let’s first take a look at what VR is. Way back in the 1950s Virtual Reality was something people would read about in Science Fiction novels and see on Star Trek. Today technology has come a long way. We can now wear goggles that transport us to anywhere and anytime. Virtual Reality allows students the ability to go on field trips without leaving their classrooms. (Marr, 2019)“Users are completely immersed in a computer-generated reality when they experience virtual reality. Virtual reality is the most well-known of immersive technologies.” (Marr, 2019).

Take a look at this trailer for Minecraft Earth and how they use AR technology.
Add to the discussion below of what apps or games you have used. Share your experience with these games. What are the strengths and stretches these games and apps provide the user with? Don't forget to add your name.
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