Web-based Editor
Easy to use: ★★★★
Cost: FREE!
Great for making interactive AR surveys and trivia games! Easy to review results. Simple interface. Easily add 2D, 3D, sounds, and gifs to your experience. No coding required! Content needs to be viewed on mobile!
Click HERE to get started.
Download the app to view your creations!

CoSpaces Edu
Web-based Editor
Easy to use: ★★★★
Cost: FREE! (up to 29 students and 2 CoSpaces)
Create, animate, and explore AR/VR! Designed for education with features like class management! Students can also create their own AR and learn about programming!
Click HERE to get started.
Download the app to view your creation and pre-made lessons!

Mobile app-based Editor
Easy to use: ★★★
Cost: FREE!
Create objects using blocks. Drag and drop 3D models, text, and video to make your own mobile AR experience! Existing collection of education items found in app.
New Edu version available with classroom management features.
Download app to get started.

Other Non-Education Focused Tools
For Design & Entertainment
Adobe Aero
Lens Studio (Snapchat)
Spark AR (FB/Instagram)
For Marketing​
More Technical Tools
Unity with ARKit/ARTool

While there are a number of tools for AR content creation, not a lot are designed for educators. Most tools are web-based, but mobile app-based tools are starting to grow. Although there are many existing AR education resources that can be used, custom AR content creation is still in its infancy with limited features and libraries. Hopefully in the near future, there will be more drag and drop, easy to use, custom AR creation tools.