Future Outlook for AR in Education
What trends and innovations in AR technology will influence education?
Below are some ideas on how we think these trends and innovations can apply to education
Major technology companies such as Apple and Google have invested more into the development of AR programs and hardware and are promoting their software development kits, ARKit and ARCore, for creators to use. AR is no longer limited to gaming. With the backing of these technology giants, AR technology will continue to increase in popularity and be as commonplace as mobile phones in the future and the development of AR apps for education will develop with it.

Users can get instantaneous feedback from their trainers during situational training where the trainers can see the exact same image as the trainee. The trainer can guide the trainee and point them to exactly where they need to look. Similarly, AR can be used in the same way for remote assistance. If a user is having trouble fixing things around the house, experts can guide the user with more detailed instructions using the point of view of the user. Microsoft has incorporated AR into their business applications platform, Dynamics 365, for these purposes. This would be the next stage for remote learning in education which further takes the learning outside of the classroom and into real-world situations.
The launch of Apple AR Glasses and upgrades over the Google Glass will start a new trend of practical AR glasses that people can wear while walking the streets. These will replace the bulky devices that are currently being used and open up more possibilities for AR to be used everywhere. In addition to glasses, there is also development underway for AR contact lenses and Head-up Displays (HUD) on windshields for cars. The portability of AR will mean that educators can take the learning outside of the classroom and also not be limited to students only using handheld devices.

Illustration by Jeff Boortz, CREATIVE DESIGN.
Combined with the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the implementation of 5G, AR will enable users to interact with everything in the environment around them. On field trips, students can be guided from location to location and learn information about the sites they are visiting in greater depth. They can plan field trips to locations that are not just tourist landmarks. Even a trip to a forest could educate the students about traditional lands and how the land was used in the past.